Nov 7, 2012

Pune University - Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering Syllabus

Pune University - Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering Syllabus.

Second Year :

Third Semester S.E. PART 1
Fourth Semester S.E. PART 2
1. Engineering Mathematics III 1. Electrical Technology
2. Heat and Fluid Engineering 2. Theory of Machines
3. Strength of Machine Elements 3. Welding and Foundry
4. Machine Tool Operations 4. Design of Machine Element
5. Material Science 5. Industrial Organization and Management
6. M/C Drawing & Computer Graphics 6. Workshop Practice

Third Year :

Fifth Semester T.E. PART 1
Sixth Semester T.E. PART 2
1. Production & Operations Management 1. Operation Research
2. Advanced Statistics & Numerical Methods 2. Ergonomics & Product Design
3. Work Study 3. Facilities Planning
4. Computer Programming & Applications 4. Management Information systems
5. Metrology & QC 5. Materials Management
6. Machine design 6. Seminar
7. Production Practice IV

Final Year :

Seventh Semester B.E. PART 1
Eighth Semester B.E. PART 2
1. Financial Management & Costing 1. Reliability Engineering
2. Project Management 2. Energy Management
3. Quantitative Techhniques 3. Elective-III :
  • IE Applications in Service Sector
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Manufacturing Automation
  • Process Planning  Manufacturing Engineering
4. Elective-I :
  • Advanced Ergonomics
  • Logistics & Warehousing Management
  • Material Forming
  • Human Resource Management
4. Elective-IV :
  • Part Modelling & FEM
  • Plastics Engineering
  • Manufacturing Strategies
  • Quality Management
5. Elective-II :
  • Industrial Laws
  • World Class Manufacturing
  • Machine Tool Technology
  • Development of Professional Skills
 5. Project Work
 6. Project work


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